
April 15, 2024 nato kvantaliani

2024-04-21 | 21:55:04

"CPR class was super, informative and practical. I learned so much from the amazing and competent instructors."
April 15, 2024 Elizabeth Quinde Lucin

2024-04-21 | 21:55:08

"I am very glad to have taken the CPR course with you. The instructors were very attentive and kind, they gave us a very clear, concise class, where they shared their knowledge and experiences to save a life, and the practice was impeccable. I recommend it"
March 13, 2024 soraya alcantara

2024-03-13 | 21:25:49

"She was awesome!! Love to get into her other class!!"
March 13, 2024 Ms. Carol B

2024-03-13 | 21:25:43

"Cate is the best CPR teacher. She was very informative with a sense of humor. The lesson went by quickly. Thanks Cate!!!!!!!!"
March 13, 2024 Robert Volz

2024-03-13 | 21:25:37

"Instruction and class was excellent. Wonderful friendly atmosphere. The instructor was very helpful, knowledgeable and supportive. I would definately recommend."